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Terms for subject Environment (7042 entries)
drainage (1. Removal of groundwater or surface water, or of water from structures, by gravity or pumping. 2. The discharge of water from a soil by percolation (the process by which surface water moves downwards through cracks, joints and pores in soil and rocks)) отводняване
drainage system отводнителна система
drainage water отточна вода
draining пресушаване
draught animal впрегатно животно
drawing дренаж
dredged material изгребан материал
dredging (Removing solid matter from the bottom of a water area) драгиране
dredging изгребване
drift net fishing риболов с плаващи мрежи
drill дрил
drilling пускане на сонда
drilling for oil (Boring a hole for extracting oil) пускане на сонда за нефт
drilling installation инсталация за сондиране
drilling muds and other drilling wastes промивни сондажни течности и други отпадъци от сондиране
drinking water питейна вода
drinking water protection area водоохранителна зона
drinking water supply снабдяване с питейна вода
drinking water treatment пречистване на вода за пиене
drop-in refrigerant заместващ хладилен агент