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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
integrated management of water resources zintegrowane gospodarowanie zasobami wodnymi
integrated pest control (A systematic, comprehensive approach to pest control that uses the insect's or rodent's own biology and behaviour to find the least toxic control methods at the lowest cost) biologiczna metoda zwalczania szkodników
integrated pollution control (A procedure whereby all major emissions to land, air, and water are considered simultaneously and not in isolation to avoid situations in which one control measure for one medium adversely affects another) kompleksowy monitoring zanieczyszczeń
integrated prevention and control of pollution zintegrowane zapobieganie zanieczyszczeniom i ich kontrola
Integrated Product Policy zintegrowana polityka produktowa
integrated water resource management zintegrowane gospodarowanie zasobami wodnymi
integration principle zasada integracji
Intelligent Energy - Europe Inteligentna Energia – Europa (2003–2006)
intelligent meter inteligentny licznik
intensity target docelowa redukcja intensywności emisji
intensive animal husbandry (Specialized system of breeding animals where the livestock are kept indoors and fed on concentrated foodstuffs, with frequent use of drugs to control diseases which are a constant threat under these conditions) intensywna hodowla zwierząt
intensive farming (Farming in which as much use is made of the land as possible by growing crops close together or by growing several crops in a year or by using large amounts of fertilizers) gospodarka intensywna
inter-library loan (The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of libraries) wypożyczenia międzybiblioteczne
interaction of pesticides (The enhancement of activity of pesticides when they are used in combination with others) synergizm działania pestycydów
intercalibration network sieć interkalibracji
interceptor sludges szlamy z kolektorów
interchange of electronic data (A transference of binary coded information items between two or more computers across any communications channel capable of carrying electromagnetic signals) wymiana danych elektronicznych
interdisciplinary research (The utilisation, combination and coordination of two or more appropriate disciplines, technologies and humanities in an integrated approach toward environmental problems) badania interdyscyplinarne
interest (A sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money over a given time period) odsetki
interest group (A group of people who share common traits, attitudes, beliefs or objectives and who have formed a formal organization to serve specific concerns of the membership) grupa interesu