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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
building waste (Masonry and rubble wastes arising from the demolition or reconstruction of buildings or other civil engineering structures) odpady budowlane
built drainage system (Collection of open and/or closed drains, together with structures and pumps used to collect and dispose of excess surface or subsurface water) systemy odwodnienia
built environment (That part of the physical surroundings which are people-made or people-organized, such as buildings and other major structures, roads, bridges and the like, down to lesser objects such as traffic lights, telephone and pillar boxes) środowisko zurbanizowane
built environment środowisko zbudowane
built structure budowla
built-up area (Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open space) teren zabudowany
bulb cultivation (The cultivation of flower bulb is divided into two sectors: for forcing (flower bulbs used by professional growers for the production of cut flowers and potted plants) and for dry sales (flower bulbs for garden planting, flower pots, landscaping and parks)) uprawa kwiatów cebulkowych
bulky waste (Large items of waste material, such as appliances, furniture, large auto parts, trees, branches, stumps, etc.) odpady wielkogabarytowe
bulletin board system (An assemblage of computer hardware and software that can be linked by computer modem dialing for the purpose of sharing or exchanging messages or other files) system BBS
burden sharing podział obciążenia
Burden Sharing Agreement porozumienie o podziale obciążenia
bureaucratization biurokratyzacja
burnout wypalenie
bus (A large, long-bodied motor vehicle equipped with seating for passengers, usually operating as part of a scheduled service) autobus
bus station (A place along a route or line at which a bus stops for fuel or to pick up or let off passengers or goods, especially with ancillary buildings and services) dworzec autobusowy
bush clearing (The removal of brush using mechanical means, either by cutting manually or by using machinery for crushing, rolling, flailing, or chipping it, or by chemical means or a combination of these) wycinanie buszu
business (The activity, position or site associated with commerce or the earning of a livelihood) działalność komercyjna i zarobkowa
business activity (Any profit-seeking undertaking or venture that involves the production, sale and purchase of goods or services) działalność gospodarcza
business classification (The categorization of enterprises or organizations involved in an economy) klasyfikacja działalnosci gospodarczej
business organisation firma