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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
atmospheric science (The atmospheric sciences study the dynamics, physics and chemistry of atmospheric phenomena and processes, including the interactions of the atmosphere with soil physics, hydrology and oceanic circulation. The research focuses on the following areas: turbulence and convection, atmospheric radiation and remote sensing, aerosol and cloud physics and chemistry, planetary atmospheres, air-sea interactions, climate, and statistical meteorology) nauka o atmosferze
atmospheric structure (The gaseous area surrounding the planet is divided into several concentric spherical strata (layers, like shells) separated by narrow transition zones. The boundaries are know as "pause". More than 99% of the total atmospheric mass is concentrated in the first 40 km from the Earth's surface. Atmospheric layers are characterized by differences in chemical composition that produce variations in temperature) struktura atmosfery
atomic absorption spectrophotometry spektrofotometria absorpcyjna atomowa
atrazine atrazyna
attribute (A distinctive feature of an object. In mapping and GIS applications, the objects are points, lines, or polygons that represent features such as sampling locations, section corners (points); roads and streams (lines); lakes, forest and soil types (polygons). These attributes can be further divided into classes such as tree species (Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine) for forest types and paved and gravel for road types. Multiple attributes are generally associated with objects that are located on a single map layer) atrybut
attribution (Under certain circumstances, the tax law applies attribution rules to assign to one taxpayer the ownership interest of another taxpayer) przynależne prawo
auction calendar kalendarz aukcji
auction monitor monitorujący aukcje
audio-visual presentation (An exhibition, performance, demonstration or lecture utilizing communication media directed at both the sense of sight and the sense of hearing) prezentacja audiowizualna
audiovisual equipment (Equipment designed to aid in learning and teaching by making use of both hearing and sight) sprzęt audiowizualny
audiovisual media (Any means of communication transmitted to both the sense of hearing and the sense of sight, especially technologies directed to large audiences) media audio-wizualne
audit (The periodic or continuous verification of the accounts, assets and liabilities of a company or other organization, often to confirm compliance with legal and professional standards) audyt
authorisation zatwierdzanie
authorised representative upoważniony przedstawiciel
authority body (An organized assemblage of authorized persons or officials empowered to implement and enforce laws, oversee jurisdictions, settle disputes, adjudicate or make some other legal determination) organ władzy
autoecology autoekologia
automatic detection (The processing, discovery and identification of data elements by automated means) automatyczne wykrywanie
automobile industry (No definition needed) przemysł samochodowy
available groundwater resource dostępne zasoby wód podziemnych
available techniques dostępne techniki