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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
sulphur concentration (Sulphur content in a solution) zawartość siarki
sulphur monoxide (A gas at ordinary temperatures; produces an orange-red deposit when cooled to temperatures of liquid air; prepared by passing an electric discharge through a mixture of sulfur vapor and sulfur dioxide at low temperature) tlenek siarki
sulphur oxide (An oxide of sulphur, such as sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide; they are formed primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels; major air pollutants and cause of damage to the respiratory tract as well as vegetation, SOx) tlenek siarki
sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid kwas siarkowy i siarkawy
supervised image classification (A graphical representation processing technique by which an analyst selects groups of pixels, determines their spectral response signature and trains a computer system to recognize pixels based on this spectral response pattern) klasyfikacja nadzorowana
supervision of building works (The oversight or direction in the construction and maintenance of houses, facilities, offices and other structures) nadzór budowlany
supervision of installation (The oversight or direction over the process of setting up or making adjustments to a building or to a mechanical or electrical system or apparatus) kontrola instalacji
supervisory body (An appointed or official group given the responsibility of overseeing or managing normal work operations, special projects or other functions of an organization or agency) organ kontroli
supplementary protection certificate for plant protection products dodatkowe świadectwo ochronne dla środków ochrony roślin
supply podaż
supply and demand (The relationship between the amount or quantity of a commodity that is available for purchase and the desire or ability of consumers to buy or purchase the commodity, which, in theory, determines the commodity's price in a free market) podaż i popyt
surface active compound (Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifiers) substancja powierzchniowo czynna
surface impoundment retencja powierzchniowa
surface tension (The force acting on the surface of a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface; quantitatively, the force that appears to act across a line of unit length on the surface. Also known as interfacial force; interfacial tension; surface intensity) napięcie powierzchniowe
surface treatment (Any method of treating a material (metal, polymer, or wood) so as to alter the surface, rendering it receptive to inks, paints, lacquers, adhesives, and various other treatments, or resistant to weather or chemical attack) obróbka powierzchniowa
surface water (All waters on the surface of the Earth found in streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, marshes or wetlands, and as ice and snow) woda powierzchniowa
surface water wody powierzchniowe
surface water management (The administration or handling of water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, seas, etc.)) gospodarowanie wodami powierzchniowymi
surface-active agent (A substance that, when used in small quantities, modifies the surface properties of liquids or solids. A surface-active agent reduces surface tension in a fluid or the interfacial tension between two immiscible fluids, such as oil and water. Surfactants are particularly useful in accomplishing the wetting or penetration of solids by aqueous liquids and serve in the manner of detergent, emulsifying, or dispersing agents. They are more effective than soap in certain situations and are used by conservators for such purposes as cleaning, wetting, and dispersing) środek powierzchniowo czynny
surgical waste (Any tissue, blood or mucus removed during surgery or autopsy, soiled surgical dressings, or other materials requiring special disposal procedures) odpady chirurgiczne