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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
waste bin (A container for litter, rubbish, etc.) pojemnik na odpady
waste charge (Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the management of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process) opłata za odpady
waste classification (The arrangement of unwanted materials left over from manufacturing processes or refuse from places of human or animal habitation into a variety of categories based on chemical and microbiological constituents or other common characteristics) klasyfikacja odpadów
waste collection (The periodic or on-demand removal of solid waste from primary source locations using a collection vehicle and followed by the depositing of this waste at some central facility or disposal site) zbiórka odpadów
waste collection at source (The gathering and transporting of refuse from its place of origin, system where waste is collected by the waste producer at the production place) zbiórka odpadów u źródła
waste collector podmiot zbierający
waste composition (The component material types, by percentage or weight, emanating from any source) skład odpadów
waste conversion technique (Any specialized procedure or method used to transform refuse from one state, form or chemical composition into another) techniki przeróbki odpadów
waste degasification (The removal of gaseous components form waste) degazyfikacja odpadów
waste disposal (The orderly process of discarding unwanted or useless material) usuwanie odpadów
waste disposal act (Law that settles the rules concerning the disposal, recycling and treatment of wastes) ustawodawstwo dotyczące gospodarki odpadami
waste disposal charge (Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the action of removing or getting rid of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process) opłata za składowanie odpadów
waste disposal cost (The amount of money incurred for the action of removing or getting rid of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process) koszt gospodarki odpadami
waste disposal in the ground (The planned discharge, deposit or burial of refuse or other unserviceable material into the surface of the earth, as in a landfill) składowanie odpadów w terenie
waste dump (Area where wastes are deposited and burned) wysypisko odpadów
waste dumping (The disposal of solid wastes without environmental controls) wyrzucanie odpadów
waste engine, gear and lubricating oils odpadowe oleje silnikowe, przekładniowe i smarowe
waste exchange (Exchange of the recyclable part of wastes. This procedure allows to minimize waste volume and the cost relating to waste disposal. The basis of waste exchange is the concept that "one company's waste is another company's raw material") wymiana odpadów
waste explosives odpady materiałów wybuchowych
waste export (Transporting unwanted materials, including those leftover from a manufacturing processes, refuse, or trash to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign trade) eksport odpadów