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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (520 entries)
presumed victim of trafficking in human beings antatt offer for menneskehandel
prima facie refugee prima facie-flyktning
principle of equal treatment prinsippet om likebehandling
procedural guarantees sakshandsamingsgaranti
Programme refugee overføringsflyktning
protection vern
pull factor trekkfaktor
push factor skuvfaktor
push-pull factor skuv-trekk-faktor
quota kvote
quota refugee overføringsflyktning
racial discrimination rasediskriminering
racism rasisme
Rapid Border Intervention Team beredskapsgruppe for grensekontroll
readmission agreement returavtale
real risk of suffering serious harm reell fare for alvorleg skade
reasons for persecution konvensjonsflyktning
reception centre transittmottak
reception conditions mottakstilhove
reception facilities asylmottak