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Terms for subject Microsoft (3670 entries)
key filter filthara e bohlokwa
Key Filters difilthara tše bohlokwa
Key Management Service Tirelo ya Taolo e Bohlokwa
key sequence tatelano ya dikhii
keyboard khiipote
keyboard layout peakanyo ya khiipote
keyboard shortcut kgaoletšo ya khiipote
keypad papetlakhii
keyword lentšu le bohlokwa
kilobit kilobite
kilobyte kilopaete
knowledge base lefelo la tsebo
Knowledge Base Lefelo la Tsebo
Korean won Won ya Korea
label leibole
Labeled Hierarchy Tatelano ya Dileipole
LAN (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network) Netweke ya Lefelo la Kgauswi
landscape lentskeipe
landscape orientation ponagalo ya lentskeipe
language polelo