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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (5823 entries)
rough shad carapau rugoso
rough-legged buzzard búteo-calçado
rough-legged hawk búteo-calçado
roughhead grenadier lagartixo-cabeça áspera
Round island boa jiboia-da-maurícia
round sardinella sardinela lombuda
round-leaved goosefoot couve-maltesa
round-leaved sundew orvalhinha
round-leaved sundew rorela
round-nose grenadier lagartixa da rocha
rowan cornogodinho
royal albatross albatroz-de-sobrancelha
royal albatross albatroz-real
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Instituto Real de Ciências Naturais da Bélgica
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Real Sociedade para a Proteção das Aves
royal spiny lobster lagosta verde
royal tern garajau-real
royal threadfin barbudo real
rubberlip grunt pombo
ruby-crowned kinglet estrelinha-de-fogo