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Terms for subject Food industry (3558 entries)
Bee wax, white and yellow E 901
Bee wax, white and yellow cera de abelhas
beer can:beer tin lata de cerveja
beer wort lêvedo de cerveja
beer wort mosto de cerveja
beeswax cera amarela
beeswax cera branca
beeswax cera de abelhas (branca ou amarela)
beeswax cera de abelhas
beeswax, white and yellow cera de abelhas
beeswax, white and yellow cera amarela
beeswax, white and yellow cera branca
beeswax, white and yellow cera de abelhas (branca ou amarela)
beetroot red betanina, vermelho de beterraba
beetroot red E 162
Bengal gram ervanço
Bengal gram gravanço
Bengal gram grão
Bengal gram grão-de-bico
bentonite bentonita