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Terms for subject Modern use (25 entries)
Alculate To calculate how cost effective an alcoholic beverage is. Otherwise known as the cost per shot ratio. Franka­_LV
metrosexual an urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle Lu4ik
beerboarding A controversial process of extracting otherwise-secret information from a friend or co-worker by getting them drunk and thereby loosening their control on their tongue. Franka­_LV
Chucks A shoe by Converse developed in 1923 by Chuck Taylor. Franka­_LV
Dip To leave quickly Franka­_LV
dove dived Shabe
dove dived Shabe
elecoustic A term used to describe an electric guitar that is being played without an amplifier, or "unplugged." Franka­_LV
fornever A seemingly non-existent period of time Franka­_LV
Get lit Extremely intoxicated. Franka­_LV
gigabucks One billion dollars. Franka­_LV
gunslinger a person who behaves with the bravado expected of someone who would duel with guns
handy European slang for Cellular Telephone Franka­_LV
Hoopdie An old car that often breaks down and stalls commuter traffic. Franka­_LV
Hpnotiq Liquor characterized by its bright blue hue and fruity flavor. Franka­_LV
XoXo hugs and kisses Secret­ary
Kick it with To hang out with someone. Franka­_LV
Laid one on Having gotten drunk. Franka­_LV
metrosexual an urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle Lu4ik
nut huggers Really tight jeans worn by a man Franka­_LV