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Terms for subject Pharmacology (67 entries)
phenytoin sodium equivalents PE Nataly­a Rovin­a
phosphatidyl serine Ptd-L-Ser Michae­lBurov
phosphatidylserine Ptd-L-Ser Michae­lBurov
PhWP Pharmacovigilance Working Party IanKol­lis
PMCs Pollen Mother Cells ochern­en
PNGase F Peptide-N Glycosidase F TorroR­osso
PPD pharmaceutical product development dimcus­longus
premarket approval PMA iwona
pSOC primary System Organ Class kat_j
prime PRIority MEdicines inn
pSOC primary System Organ Class kat_j
qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance QPPV Eugsam
RSH rectus sheath hematoma Margar­ita@svy­az.kz
RSH rectus sheath hematoma Margar­ita@svy­az.kz
smo Site management organization asia_n­ova
SmPC summary of product characteristics
SST solution System Suitability Testing Olga_T­yn
standard for exchange of non-clinical data SEND Maggot­ka
SmPC summary of product characteristics
ta tuberculin