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Terms for subject Sakhalin (256 entries)
GUNiO Chief Directorate for Navigation & Oceanography
Xtree Christmas tree
Sakhalin MCHS Civil Defence & Emergency Response Headquarter
CSA group Civil/Structural/Architectural group
ComCom Commercial Committee
cfm Commercial Finance Manager Kochka
SakhalinPrirodResourcy Committee of Natural Resources
CoD Concept of Development Sakhal­in Ener­gy
CoI Conflict of Interest Sakhal­in Ener­gy
SNiP Construction Norms & Regulations
D.G.set D.G. set/installation, diesel generator set HelenD­Z
DoDD Date of Declaration of Development
DHs Direct Hires
DHI's Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators
DHIs Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators
d/s or ds Down-Steam site group
DOGs Drilling Operations Guidelines
DtL Drilling the Limit
ER Plan Emergency response plan
EC-type certificate European Communion type certificate of conformity