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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849369 entries)
BSGPH bachelor of science in geophysics
BS Gph bachelor of science in geophysics
BS in Nat G Engin bachelor of science in natural gas engineering
BS in Pet bachelor of science in petroleum
BS PET bachelor of science in petroleum
BS in Pet Eng bachelor of science in petroleum engineering
BSME bachelor of science of mining engineering
BSPE bachelor of science petroleum engineering
BDPET ENG bachelor of science petroleum engineering
BTD bachelor of textile dyeing
BOQ bachelor officers' quarters
BE bacillary emulsion
BW bacillary white diarrhea
BCG bacille Calmette-Guérin
BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin
BCG bacille bilie de Calmette Guerin
TBE bacillen emulsion tuberculin
BCG bacilli calmette-guerin
B bacillus
bac bacillus