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Terms for subject Cinematography (704 entries)
western A movie set in the "Wild West" of the late 19th-century United States.
What Bad Taste WBT
whip pan An extremely fast pan, incorporating much motion blur. The term refers to the "whipping" action that the camera operator uses to move the camera.
widescreen A movie which has an aspect ratio which is greater than academy ratio when projected.
wild sound Scenes that are filmed without the sound being recorded at the same time. Dialog and/or sound effects may be dubbed in later.
Wilhelm scream Originally recorded as a sound effect for the film Distant Drums in 1951 and named after the character who yelped it out, this distinctive scream was archived in the Warner Brothers sound effects library, and was subsequently used in countless films, first simply as a generic stock scream, and later because sound supervisors and directors used it in their films (including Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Toy Story and Pirates of the Caribbean) as a sort of touchstone or homage to earlier films. Though no specific documentation lists the identity of the screamer, sound designer Ben Burtt's research of Warner Brother's recording logs indicates that singer/actor Sheb Wooley is likely the source, as he was one of the bit actors contracted to record sound effects for Distant Drums, and had been known to specialize in yells, laughs, and screams.
wipe An editing technique in which images from one shot are fully replaced by the images of another, delimited by a definite border that moves across or around the frame.
working title The name by which a movie is known while it is being made. This is sometimes different from the title with which it is released.
wrangler A person who is responsible for the care and control of entities used on a set that can't be spoken with. This person is typically a professional, certainly with expertise in handling the item, often with expertise in handling the item on a movie set.
wrap To finish shooting, either for the day or the entire production.
writer A general term for someone who creates a written work, be it a novel, script, screenplay, or teleplay. See also Writers Guild of America.
Writers Guild of America The Writers Guild of America is the sole collective bargaining representative for writers in the motion picture, broadcast, cable, interactive and new media industries. It has numerous affiliation agreements with other U.S. and international writing organizations and is in the forefront of the debates concerning economic and creative rights for writers.
X- Rated Video XRV
xerography The technique using an electrostatic process to copy or transfer an image, commonly found in office copiers and used in cartoon production.
XXX An informal voluntary certificate for a pornographic film, indicating large amounts of explicit sex. Contrast with NC-17.
yarn Slang for an apocryphal story.
Zero Adult Providers ZAP
zoom shot A shot in which the magnification of the objects by the camera's lenses is increased (zoom in) or decreased (zoom out/back) There is a subtle difference between the results of a zoom shot and a dolly shot. In a zoom, the relative positions and sizes of all objects in the frame remains the same, whereas in a dolly shot this will change as the camera moves. Alfred Hitchcock's much-imitated shot in Vertigo used a combination zoom in and dolly back, resulting in a dramatic change in perspective.