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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856005 entries)
VbS vibrostimulation
VDCI vibrowave depression-chemical impact Michae­lBurov
VFI vibrowave foam impact Michae­lBurov
vibram vibs
kalina viburnum Nastya­ Yaki
Aphis vibumiphila viburnum aphid
Aphis vibumiphila viburnum aphid
Aleurotrachelus jelinekii viburnum whitefly
Aleurotrachelus jelinekii viburnum whitefly
vicar vic
vicarage vic
victoria vic
part. vic in divided doses
vic vicarage
vise vice
V vice
VCOFS vice chief of staff
VCAS vice chief of the air staff
V.P. vice president
VP/GM vice president/general manager