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Terms for subject Informal (833 entries)
treat (someone) like a mushroom to keep someone uninformed and tell them lies about something
troddle to wander around without knowing of doing so
Trumpster a political supporter of donald trump
tsimmes tzimmes 'More
Turkey Drop Turkey Drop is when a long-distance couple sees each other over thanksgiving break and one of them breaks up with the other. Vicomt­e
turp turpentine
tweezer approaching, but not yet, a geezer Tulka4
Twinkle Toes someone who is light on their feet or demostrates extraodinary footwork
twinkletoes used to refer to someone who is a good dancer or who moves lightly on their feet
Typhoid Mary a person who carries and spreads a dangerous disease, especially one who refuses to cooperate to minimize the risk of infection
tzimmis tzimmes 'More
U R Lame URL
U.S. of A. USA SirRea­l
uhm erm Баян
uke ukulele
un-PC politically incorrect Евгени­й Тамар­ченко
undies underwear
Unique Selling Proposition USP Artjaa­zz
usie groupie 'More
USIN Using