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Terms for subject Medical (3024 entries)
sPSA serum PSA Баян
sputum analysis Laboratory evaluation of sputum to detect certain infections, such as bacterial pneumonia and tuberculosis (TB) Sputum is the mucus- containing material produced by the cells lining the lungs and airways (bronchial tubes) The sputum used for analysis is collected when a person coughs or spits.
srel Relative standard deviation GhostL­ibraria­n
SRP signal-recognition particle
single straight DNA ssDNA
single straight RNA ssRNA
SSS Symptom Severity Scale dimock
St Luke's Hospital SLH
St. Elizabeth Hospital STE
St. Francis Hospital SFH
St. John Hospital SJH
St. John's Regional Medical Center STJ
St. Joseph Memorial Hospital SJM
St. Jude Children's Hospital SJCH
St. Micheal Ipoh SMI
St. Thomas Hospital Heliport, Akron, Ohio USA 4OH5
St. Vincent Healthcare SVH
St. Vincent's Hospital STV
standard of care Treatment that experts agree is appropriate, accepted, and widely used for a given disease or condition.
sBMD standardized BMD Nataly­a Rovin­a