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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848440 entries)
reprocessing of HLWaste reduction of HLWaste Michae­lBurov
r.a. reduction of area
RA reduction of area
ROA reduction of area
R A. reduction of area
R of A. reduction of area
RO B reduction of budgets
reduction of HLWaste reprocessing of HLWaste Michae­lBurov
reduction of HLWaste reprocessing of radwaste Michae­lBurov
type reduction reduction of types ssn
reduction of types type reduction ssn
RV reduction of variance
temperature at which the rate of reduction becomes detectable reduction onset temperature Michae­lBurov
reduction onset temperature temperature at which the rate of reduction becomes detectable Michae­lBurov
REDOX reduction oxidation catalytic converter
REDOX reduction oxidation converter
R reduction rate
RR reduction ratio
RROC reduction ratio of oxygen concentration
RS reduction synchronization