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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (94 entries)
SPZ Spetsnaz
strip club titty bar Val_Sh­ips
sugar papa sugar daddy Taras
TCed traffic collision Taras
temblor earthquake Val_Sh­ips
thank you ma'am a ridge or hollow across a road
thaw unthaw moebiu­spengui­n
the small of (one's) back place to hide a handgun Val_Sh­ips
till until Val_Sh­ips
tip gratuity Val_Sh­ips
trainer sports massage therapist Val_Sh­ips
tranny transvestite Val_Sh­ips
trumped-up concocted Val_Sh­ips
upscale marked by wealth or quality; high-class; upmarket
uptown high class area of town Andrey­ Truhac­hev
vape E-cig Val_Sh­ips
wash up do the dishes Bobrov­ska
whup whip Huckae­dlo
windbreaker windcheater Val_Sh­ips
WitPro Witness Protection Taras