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Terms for subject Military (71893 entries)
Maneuver Control System Workstation class computer unit M0
MCEP maneuver criteria evaluation program
MDH maneuver director headquarters
mvr elm maneuver element Киселе­в
Maneuver Functional Area MFA
maneuver main route Land route crossing the rear area and penetrating into the forward area. Route connecting a rear area with a forward area.
maneuver management Sequence of decisions taken by the commanding authority in order to adapt the implementation of each phase to expected or unexpected circumstances.
maneuver plan List of possible enemy or friendly actions, of the corresponding decisions and measures to take, and written in the other plans. Its execution must be prescribed and controlled according to the evolution of the situation and operations. Its main purpose is to preserve the commander from the dangers of improvisation. The provisional and execution plans are organized around the manoeuvre plan.
Maneuver Rights Area MRA
maneuver space That space a military unit absolutely needs to prepare and conduct its maneuver. It has to permit the safe deployment of its assets, as well as the full employment and output of these assets.
Maneuver Training Command MTC
MU maneuver unit
MUT maneuver unit training
MIE maneuver-induced error
Maneuver-Oriented Ammo Distribution System MOADS
MASTACS maneuverability augmentation system for tactical air combat simulation
MBRV maneuverable ballistic reentry vehicle
maneuverable parachute Parachute enabling to orient oneself, to increase or diminish one's horizontal and vertical speeds and to maneuver in order to land as close as possible to a given spot or team-mate.
MARTI maneuverable reentry technology investigation
MARV maneuverable reentry vehicle