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Terms for subject Informal (834 entries)
monk monkey
monkey business behaviour that is not acceptable or is dishonest
monkey business dishonest or illegal behavior
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behaviour
monkey business mischievous, suspect, dishonest, or meddlesome behaviour or acts
monkey business foolish, mischievous, or deceitful tricks or behavior
monkey business frivolous or mischievous behavior
monkey business mischievous behavior
monkey business shenanigans
motion of the ocean it ain't all about the size of the boat, it's about the motion in the ocean. (Означает "важен не размер пениса, а техника") Natali­a D
movie moving picture
muggins a title used humorously to refer to oneself Unka77
muni municipal bond
MUSTA Must Have
mustn't must not
my ass used to indicate that what has just been said is nonsense
n no balls
n't not
Naffy Navy Army and Air Force Institute