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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848514 entries)
EDK extractor development kit
EPERA extractor parachute emergency release assembly
extr. extracts
Extr extractum
ECAs extracurricular activities
EDDQ extradeep drawing quality
EXTRADOP extended range Doppler
Extradop extended range Dovap
EXTRADOVAP extended range Doppler velocity and position
EXTRADOVAR extended range Doppler velocity and position
EFM extrafibrillar matrix Игорь_­2006
EFS extrafield sensitivity
EFAL species extraframework aluminum species Izumin­ka2008
EAD extraglottic airway device doc090
X-hvy extraheavy
EHBDO extrahepatic bile duct obstruction in small animals Desdic­hado
EHBD extrahepatic bile ducts
EHCC extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Rada04­14
EHPVO extrahepatic portal vein obstruction ННатал­ьЯ
EHT extrahigh tension, eht