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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849314 entries)
ENT ear nose throat doctor Michae­lBurov
ERP ear reference point Artjaa­zz
ENT ear specialist Michae­lBurov
EARS ear system
ENT ear, nose & throat
ENF ear, nose fibrescope
ENT ear, nose, and throat
ENT ear, nose, thorat
ENT ear, nose, throat
ENT ear, nose, throat specialist Michae­lBurov
ORT ear, nose, throat specialist Michae­lBurov
ENT ear-nose-throat specialist Michae­lBurov
EVS ear-to-voice span slitel­y_mad
nagging, non-stop chatter earbashing
a lot of gossip earful
EF earlier failure
EALT earliest anticipated launch time
e.a.t. earliest arrival (arriving) time
e.a.t. earliest arrival time
ECE earliest completion of event