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Terms for subject Medical (3024 entries)
distant shock wave lithotripsy ESWL Michae­lBurov
distant shockwave lithotripsy ESWL Michae­lBurov
Diversional Therapy DT
Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (DAIDS) A federal program that supports research on the following: how HIV is transmitted and causes disease; the development of therapies for HIV infection, its complications, and co-infections; and the development of vaccines and other prevention strategies.
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control DCPC
Division of Vector-Borne Diseases DVBD bigmax­us
DZ twins dizygotic twins Help m­e pleas­e
DNR and AND Do Not Resuscitate and Allow Natural Death WAHint­erprete­r
DNSc Doctor of Nursing Science ochern­en
DNV/r danoprevir/ritonavir iwona
medical certificate doctor's certificate Andrey­ Truhac­hev
DoH Declaration of Helsinki Vicomt­e
Door County Memorial Hospital DCMH
d. dorsal
dorsocervical fat pad An accumulation of fat on the back of the neck between the shoulders. A dorsocervical fat pad may be due to use of some antiretroviral (ARV) drugs.
dosage The administration of individual doses of a medication as part of a medication regimen, usually expressed as quantity per unit of time. For example, a prescribed dosage might consist of 25 mg of a medication given 3 times a day for 6 days.
dose The quantity of a medication to be given at one time, or the total quantity of a medication administered during a specified period of time. For example, a patient might receive an initial medication dose of 50 mg, and, during the entire course of treatment, receive a total medication dose of 500 mg.
dose area product DAP vlad-a­nd-slav
dose-ranging trial A type of clinical trial. In dose-ranging trials, different doses of a drug are tested. Trial results are compared to determine which dose is most safe and effective.
dose-response relationship The association between the dose of a drug and the body's corresponding response to that dose.