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Terms for subject United States (7423 entries)
Critical Infrastructure CI
critical infrastructure and key resources The infrastructure and assets vital to a nation’s security, governance, public health and safety, economy, and public confidence
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office CIAO
critical infrastructure protection Actions taken to prevent, remediate, or mitigate the risks resulting from vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure assets
critical intelligence Intelligence that is crucial and requires the immediate attention of the commander
critical item list A prioritized list identifying supply items and weapon systems that assist Service and Defense Logistics Agency selection of supply items and systems for production surge planning, or in operational situations, used by the combatant commander and/or subordinate joint force commander to cross-level critical supply items between Service components
critical joint duty assignment billet A joint duty assignment position for which, considering the duties and responsibilities of the position, it is highly important that the assigned officer be particularly trained in, and oriented toward, joint matters
Critical National Infrastructure CNI
critical occupational specialty A military occupational specialty selected from among the combat arms in the Army or equivalent military specialties in the Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps. Equivalent military specialties are those engaged in operational art in order to attain strategic goals in an operational area through the design, organization, and conduct of campaigns and major operations. Critical occupational specialties are designated by the Secretary of Defense
critical requirement An essential condition, resource, and means for a critical capability to be fully operational
critical vulnerability An aspect of a critical requirement which is deficient or vulnerable to direct or indirect attack that will create decisive or significant effects
criticality assessment An assessment that identifies key assets and infrastructure that support Department of Defense missions, units, or activities and are deemed mission critical by military commanders or civilian agency managers
Crop Reporting District CRD
Cross Boundary Integration XBI
Cross- Dated XD
cross-leveling At the theater strategic and operational levels, it is the process of diverting en route or in-theater materiel from one military element to meet the higher priority of another within the combatant commander’s directive authority for logistics
cross-loading The distribution of leaders, key weapons, personnel, and key equipment among the aircraft, vessels, or vehicles of a formation to aid rapid assembly of units at the drop zone or landing zone or preclude the total loss of command and control or unit effectiveness if an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle is lost
cross-servicing A subset of common-user logistics in which a function is performed by one Military Service in support of another Service and for which reimbursement is required from the Service receiving support
Crude Birth Rate CBR
cruise missile Guided missile, the major portion of whose flight path to its target is conducted at approximately constant velocity; depends on the dynamic reaction of air for lift and upon propulsion forces to balance drag