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Terms for subject Cooking (50 entries)
potherbs usually leafy herbs that are cooked for use as greens
Quorn "Quorn" Scott
rabbit rarebit 13.05
roasted fried Michae­lBurov
shaurma shawarma 'More
showarma shawarma 'More
strand strand of spaghetti luciaf­1
sub submarine sandwich Taras
sub submarine sandwich Taras
sultanas Изюм EvilCo­oper
supreme sauce supreme 13.05
tenders tendies 'More
Welsh bakestones Martha Stewart: A cross between a cookie, scone, and pancake, these intriguing treats are cooked on a griddle, not baked Michae­lBurov
Welsh cakes Martha Stewart: A cross between a cookie, scone, and pancake, these intriguing treats are cooked on a griddle, not baked - despite its other name, Welsh bakestones Michae­lBurov
Welsh rarebit Welsh rabbit Andrey­ Truhac­hev