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Terms for subject Archaic (43 entries)
melodrame melodrama Shabe
melodrame melodrama Shabe
moe more Phylon­eer
moe more Phylon­eer
nothing loth nothing loath Баян
nothing loth nothing loath Баян
outlandish of foreign origin, not native
outlandish foreign or alien
outlandish of foreign origin, not native
imminent overhanging
partake to have something of the properties, character, or office
pray tell please explain
Polander an inhabitant of Poland, a person native to Poland, or a person of Polish origin
pray tell please explain
prythee prithee
prithee I pray thee
imminent projecting or leaning forward; overhanging
prythee prithee
shew show Евгени­й Тамар­ченко
shoehorn shoeing-horn