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Terms for subject Slang (1340 entries)
buck dollar
mate buddy
budgie smugglers men's bathing costume
Bufalay A term used to describe something or someone or some place that sucks. Franka­_LV
built like a brick shit house big strong bloke
bull bar stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos
b.s. bull shit
jobless bum Michae­lBurov
unemployed bum Michae­lBurov
bum jobless Michae­lBurov
bum unemployed Michae­lBurov
bummed depressed
bummer bad experience
wad bundle of money
bundy short for Bundaberg, Queensland, and the brand of rum that's made there
paper-pusher bureaucratic office workers
burn powder fire a gun
bush anywhere that isn't in town
bush the hinterland
bush the Outback