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Terms for subject Medical (3020 entries)
Anti-SMA Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody Vosoni
antibiotic A drug used to kill or suppress the growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi.
antibody A protein produced by B lymphocytes (B cells) in response to an antigen. Antibodies bind to and help destroy antigens.
Anticipation Availability Responsiveness And Transitions AART
anticoagulant A drug used to prevent the blood from clotting.
antidiphtheric serum antidiphtheria serum Michae­lBurov
antidiphtheric serum anti diphtheria serum Michae­lBurov
antidiphtheric serum anti-diphtheria serum Michae­lBurov
antidiphtheric serum antidiphtheria serum Michae­lBurov
antifungal A drug used to kill or suppress the growth of fungi.
antigen Any substance that is foreign to the body and triggers an immune response. Antigens include bacteria, viruses, and allergens, such as pollen.
antigen-antibody complex An antibody bound to an antigen. Immune complexes are part of a normal immune response. However, when immune complexes accumulate in the blood, they can cause autoimmune disorders, infections, and malignancies.
antigen-presenting cell (APC) A type of immune cell that enables a T lymphocyte (T cell) to recognize an antigen and mount an immune response against the antigen. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) include macrophages, dendritic cells, and B lymphocytes (B cells)
antimüllerian hormone anti-Müllerian hormone Michae­lBurov
anti-Müllerian hormone antimüllerian hormone Michae­lBurov
antineoplastic A drug used to inhibit the growth or spread of tumors or cancer cells.
Antiprotozoal A drug used to kill or suppress the growth of protozoans.
antiretroviral (ARV) A drug used to prevent a retrovirus, such as HIV, from replicating. The term primarily refers to antiretroviral (ARV) HIV drugs.
Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry A project established to monitor prenatal exposures to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs and to detect any potential increase in the risk of related birth defects. Pregnant women exposed to ARV drugs voluntarily enroll in the Registry through their health care providers. Information provided to the Registry includes no identifying patient information.
antiretroviral therapy (ART) The recommended treatment for HIV infection. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) involves using a combination of three or more antiretroviral (ARV) drugs from at least two different HIV drug classes to prevent HIV from replicating.