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Terms for subject Medical (3023 entries)
Action Research Arm Test ARAT ННатал­ьЯ
active immunity Immunity that develops after exposure to a disease-causing infectious microorganism or other foreign substance, such as following infection or vaccination.
aDSM active tuberculosis drug-safety monitoring and management Irene_­Sm
acup acupuncture kilosk­elet
acup acupuncture kilosk­elet
acvd acute cardiovascular disease
acute cerebrovascular disease ACD iwona
acute chest syndrome sickle cell crises in the lung Chita
acute HIV infection Early stage of HIV infection that extends approximately 2 to 4 weeks from initial infection until the body produces enough HIV antibodies to be detected by an HIV antibody test. Because the virus is replicating rapidly, HIV is highly infectious during this stage of infection.
acute infection and early diseases research program (AIEDRP) A federally funded research program that studies how HIV infects humans and how the disease progresses to AIDS.
acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy A rare acute neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) primarily destroys the myelin that covers the peripheral nerves, causing the nerve signals to slow down. This damage can result in weakness and sometimes paralysis of the legs, arms, face, and breathing muscles. GBS is often preceded by a bacterial or viral infection and can occur early in the course of HIV infection.
acute monocytic leukemia LAM5
acute myeloblastic M1 leukemia LAM1
acute myeloblastic M2 leucosis LAM2
acute myeloblastic M7 leukemia LAM7
acute myelomonocytic leukemia LAM4
ami acute myocardial infarction
Acute Pain Management Service APMS
acute promyelocytic leukemia LAM3
acute respiratory syndrome ARS ssn