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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856164 entries)
WSR word switch register
WST word synchronizing track
WT word terminal
WTSD word terminal synchronization detection
WTS word terminal synchronous
WUS word underscore character
word wraparound word wrap ssn
word wrapping word wrap ssn
word wrapping word wraparound ssn
word wraparound word wrapping ssn
WOD word-of-day
WOMM word-of-mouth marketing Alexan­der Dem­idov
WOMM word-of-mouth marketing Alexan­der Dem­idov
WP word-processing
WRS word-recognition system
WSC word-stem completion test Dimpas­sy
WC wording change
worldly-wise wordly-wise valtih­1978
MWOD words of day
CHINOFFIC words of the text taken from the Chinese official telegraph dictionary