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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856004 entries)
inf. A common phrase used to describe the occasion of a man suddenly producing his penis, often when completely unexpected and for no reason whatsoever. whip it out andreo­n
vinegarroons whip scorpions shergi­lov
Paederus cruenticollis whip-lash rove beetle
Paederus cruenticollis whip-lash rove beetle
paroxysm of fear whiplash of fear Alex L­ilo
WHIPS whiplash protection system Schnap­pi
WHIP whipstock
WS whipstock
WSD whipstock depth
WRP whisker-reinforced plastic
whereabouts whiskey Parano­IDioteq­ue
w&s whiskey and soda
WV whispered voice
WGM whispering gallery mode
WG whispering gallery resonance
WHIS whistle
WSTL whistle
person alleging a violation of whistleblower Alexan­der Dem­idov
WM whistler-mode waves
Hecatesia fenestrata whistling moth