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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856005 entries)
Blow one's mind to get confused Franka­_LV
to get far too drunk go over the edge with the rams
Done Told You to have already told smt to smn once before. Franka­_LV
Live to fight another day to have another chance to fight in a competition Berezi­tsky
Live to fight another day to have another chance to fight in a competition; being morally strong in spite of failures and having the enthusiasm to try again. Berezi­tsky
ARPIS (angle-resolved photoion spectroscopy) to investigate symmetries of core-excited states
IDC to issue design criteria
TKO to keep (venous infusion line) open
TKVO to keep vessel open
BOOK to lock someone up in jail
mentalise to make mental in nature, rather than physical balloo­nycs0bo­y
TMWOT to my way of thinking Franka­_LV
OFR to open fair and refit
tof to order from
tog to order grog
TOO to order only
TP to pay
t.p. to pay
TP to power
snarf to retrieve a computer file myaxov­skij