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Terms for subject Oil and gas (2531 entries)
Cat short for any piece of industrial equipment such as bulldozer, manufactured by Caterpillar, Inc.
shw show
bottomhole shut-in pressure shut-in bottomhole pressure Michae­lBurov
ps shut-in pressure
Sid siderite ( a common, yellowish-brown, brownish-red, brownish-black, white or gray mineral, composed of FeCO3)
sdtkr sidetracking
stg sidetracking
SC signal conditioner
SS-H/M/L signal selector block
S/N signal to noise
silt siltstone
sltst siltstone
Ag/AgCl silver/silver chloride/seawater reference electrode
SIMM simulation designation
sgls singles
SAT site acceptance testing
skel skeletal
skim skimmer
s skin
s skin effect