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Terms for subject Energy industry (8552 entries)
SEI small emission improvements
SEID standard errors of inventory difference
Seismic Qualification Utilities Group SOUG
Seismic Qualification Utilities Group SQUG
SEL solar energy laboratory
Select Committee on Science and Technology SCST
Senior Adviser for Nuclear Affairs SANA
SENNSE subcritical electro-nuclear neutron source
SEOI symptom-based emergency operating instruction
SEOI symptom-oriented emergency operating instruction
SEP site evacuation plan
SEPTEN Service d'Etudes et Projects Thermiques et Nucleaires
SERAPH safety engineering reactor for accident phenomenology
SERT Solar Energy Research Institute 'More
Service Central de la Surete des Installation Nucleaires SCIN
Service Centrale de Protection Contre les Rayonnements Ionization SCPRI
SESS secure energy supply and safety
SET separate effects test
SET system engineering test
SETA scientific, engineering and technical assistance