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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
SABM system analysis and battle management
SABMS Safeguard antiballistic missile system
sabotage sab
sabotage sabo
sabotage sb
sabotage sbtg
sabotage operations Operations by specially trained forces in the enemy rear, to engage industrial and military targets, ships, hydraulic engineering and shore installations, lines of communication, signals centres and networks, command posts and military equipment, to inflict casualties, etc.
Sabotage Pack SP
saboteur sab
SABRE SAGE battery routing equipment
SABRE system to assist with battlefield reconstitution
SABRES small-arms battlefield realistic engagement simulator
SABS stabilizing automatic bombsight
SAC scene-of-action commander
SAC secondary accountability center
SAC secondary address code
SAC security assistance
SAC semiautomatic coding
SAC service application code
SAC signal analysis course