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Terms for subject Veterinary medicine (1558 entries)
Potomac Valley Samoyed Club PVSC
Poultry And Human Antimicrobial Resistance Markers PHARM
Poultry Science Association PSA
Practitioner Medicines Liaison Group PMLG
Prairie Dog PD
Prairie Dog Specialists PDS
Pre-Veterinary Medical Association PVMA
Predator Defense Institute PDI
Pregnant Mare Urine PMU
Premier Animal Science Event PASE
Primate Society of Great Britain PSGB
Primate Supply Information Clearinghouse PSIC
Prime Moose PM
Professional Liability Insurance Trust PLIT
Public Health Laboratory Service PHLS
Pug Dog Encephalitis PDE
Puppy Protection Act PPA
Puppy Walker PW
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority QCA
Quality Assessment Agency QAA