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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
Preliminary Imagery Nomination File PIN
Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction PMI
Preliminary Materials Review Board PMRB
Preliminary Message Security Protocol PMSP
preliminary obstacle Obstacle which is earmarked for implementation and which can be executed immediately after preparation, provided that prior authority has been granted.
Preliminary Open System Interface Standard POSIX
Preliminary Operational Concept POC
Preliminary Operational Requirement POR
Preliminary Quantitative Analysis PQA
Preliminary Reference Point Graphic PRPG
Preliminary Service Testing PST
Preliminary Site Visit PSV
Preliminary Software Requirements Specification PSRS
Preliminary Technical Order PTO
PRELORT precision long-range tracking
Premature Voluntary Release PVR
PREMEDU preventive medicine unit
PREMPT program for electromagnetic pulse testing
preoperative delay Maximum delay after which a surgical operation can no longer be postponed without worsening the evolution of the wound and compromising the survival of the casualty.
prep prepare