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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856161 entries)
MOLSO more or less at seller's option
M/L cls more or less cause
M/L clause more or less clause
MPR more particulars required
advanced power options more power options ssn
m.r. more right
TEN more severe form of the Stevens–Johnson syndrome Michae­lBurov
TENS more severe form of the Stevens–Johnson syndrome Michae­lBurov
TENS more severe form of the Stevens–Johnson syndrome Michae­lBurov
m.s. more significant
MT more than Ying
MVC more volatile component
M.V.C. more volatile component
MOn more-out than-in
MOTI more-out-than-in method
morendo moren.
Mor moretane
Mo morgan
M morgan
Anabms simplex mormon cricket