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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
link encryption An operation consisting in enciphering all the channels of a link, whether they are used or not, with the same single means.
linkage lkge
linkage lnkg
Linked Operations-Intelligence Centers Europe LOCE
LINO liaison officer
LINS laser inertial navigation system
LINS lightweight inertial navigation system
LIOD laser in-flight obstacle detector
LIOD laser/infrared/optical director
LIOD lightweight optronic director
LIODD laser in-flight obstacle detection device
LIPA list of interchangeable parts and assemblies
LIPS laser image processing scanner
LIQFL liquid fuel
Liquefied Natural Gas LPG
liquid disperser An army riot control agent disperser visually resembling a man-carried flame-thrower
liquid hazard area An area which has been contaminated by a persistent chemical agent. In collective NRBC protection systems, part of the contamination control zone which can be reached from the outside, where the personnel does the decontamination.
liquid metal embrittlement Agents which operate by altering the molecular structure of base metals or alloys and can thus significantly damage aircraft, vehicles, metal treads and bridge supports
inhibited red fuming nitric acid liquid propellant oxidizer
red fuming nitric acid liquid propellant oxidizer