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Terms for subject Military (71893 entries)
ICR in-commission rate
in-depth defence A choice of defensive manoeuvre that forces the enemy to attack through a series of mutually supporting friendly positions, causing the enemy's mass to be expended and his supporting forces to be unable to focus. This choice of manoeuvre reduces the risk of an enemy penetration and allows the enemy to gain terrain to wear him down and overextend his ability to sustain his attack. In-depth defence usually culminates in a friendly counterattack to complete the destruction of the enemy and regain lost terrain.
in-depth fire support element All the liaison and observation teams in the depth of the same field artillery regiment.
In-Extremis Hostage Rescue IHR
IN-FL in-flight
IF in-flight
IN-FL in-flight
IAET in-flight aeromedical evacuation team
IFDAPS in-flight data processing system
IFDA in-flight deployment
IFE in-flight emergency
IECMS in-flight engine condition monitoring system
IHSB in-flight helmet stowage bag
IFI in-flight insertion
IFMM in-flight maintenance manual
IFMS in-flight management system
IFMA in-flight mission abort
INFOES in-flight operational evaluation of a space system
IFP in-flight performance
IFPM in-flight performance monitor