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Terms for subject Military (71893 entries)
IDCS integrated data coding system
IDCS integrated document control system
IDD image definition device
IDD information display device
IDD interface definition document
IDDS improved data display system
IDDS instrumentation data distribution system
IDDS integrated data display system
IDE infrared decoy evaluator
IDE interim data element
IDE interservice data exchange
IDEEA information and data exchange experimental activities
identification ident
identity ident
IA identical additional
Identifcation and Authentication I&A
identification id
identification ident
identification In intelligence usage, characterization or determination of the nature or identity of an equipment, unit, personnel or action; The indication by any act or means of one’s own friendly character or individuality; The determination by any act or means of the friendly or hostile nature of a detected person, object or phenomenon; The process of attaining an accurate characterization of a detected entity by any act or means so that high confidence real-time decisions, including weapons engagement, can be made. Related terms: detection; friend; hostile; identification friend or foe; neutral; recognition; unknown.
identification In imagery interpretation, the discrimination between objects within a particular type or class.