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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
HTRP highway traffic regulation post
HTRR Harpoon transfer relay rack
HTSA host-tenant support agreement
HTSUP height supervisor
HTT heavy tactical transport
HTTAS heavy tactical transport aircraft system
HTTB high-technology testbed
HTV homing test vehicle
HTV hypersonic test vehicle
HTW helicopter trap weapon
high frequency direction finder huff-duff Michae­lBurov
Hughes NADGE Consortium HUCO
HUK hunter-killer
HUKFOR hunter-killer forces
HUKS hunter-killer submarine
hull down The positioning of an armored vehicle so that the muzzle of the gun or launcher is the lowest part of the vehicle exposed to the front. Hull-down positions afford maximum protection for vehicles that are engaging targets with direct fire.
Hull Integrated Technology System HITS
Hull Power Distribution Unit HPDU
Hull Power Distribution Unit with Container HPDU-C
hull sonar Ultrasound detection device used to track submarines