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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849357 entries)
CAFF computer-aided fault finding
CAFIT computer-aided fault isolation test
CAFE computer-aided film editor
CFP computer-aided financial planning
CAFAES computer-aided function allocation and evaluation system
CAG computer-aided gaging
CAG computer-aided gearshift
CAG computer-aided geologic mapping
CAGD computer-aided geometric design
CAGD computer-aided geometry design
CAGT computer-aided group technology
CAIS computer-aided industrial simulation
CAID computer-aided industrial tomography
CAI computer-aided industry
CAI computer-aided inspection
CAIR computer-aided inspection and reporting
CAIT computer-aided inspection and test алешаB­G
CAIP computer-aided inspection planning
CAI computer-aidedassisted instruction
CAI computer-aided instruction 或 computer-assisted instruction