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Terms for subject Medical (3024 entries)
Chiropractic Health Plan Of California CHPC
chlamydia A common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia often has mild or no symptoms, but if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications, including infertility. Chlamydia may increase the risk of HIV transmission.
cholangiopathy Bile duct disease. (Bile ducts are tubes that carry bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine, where the bile is used to digest fats.) Cholangiopathy may occur as a complication of AIDS or may be caused by certain opportunistic infections.
cholesterol A waxy, fat-like substance that is made by the liver or absorbed from animal food sources such as eggs, meat, and dairy products. The body uses cholesterol to insulate nerves, make cell tissues, and produce certain hormones. Excess cholesterol, however, can clog the arteries and lead to heart disease. Some antiretroviral (ARV) drugs may cause high cholesterol levels.
hCG choriogonadotropine
CVS chorionic villus sampling Chita
CHr reticulocyte cellular hemoglobin content Andy
chromosome A thread-like structure found within a cell. Chromosomes, which are made of DNA coiled around proteins, carry all of the genetic information essential to the life of the cell.
CAP chronic abdominal pain gnev
Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis CAPD
CGN chronic glomerulonephritis Chita
CGN chronic glomerulonephritis Chita
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) A rare neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) primarily destroys the myelin that covers the peripheral nerves, causing the nerve signals to slow down. This damage can gradually weaken the legs and, to a lesser extent, the arms. CIDP has been associated with advanced HIV infection.
Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration CKD-EPI Evgeni­a Myo
Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program CPRP
crd chronic respiratory disease
ci continuous infusion Elmite­ra
CIA chemilumescent analysis
cIAI Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infection Kather­ine Sch­epilova
CIBIC-Plus Clinician's Interview Based Impression of Change, plus Caregiver Input Игорь_­2006