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Terms for subject Energy industry (8685 entries)
COBRA coolant boiling and rod array
COC certificate of compliance
COC control of organizational change
Cockroft-Walton C-W
COCORP Consortium of Continental Reflection Profiling
COD contract for difference
COD cost of debt
COE cost of equity
COED process coal-oil-energy development process
COF cash outflow
COF coal-oil fuel
COF cooling of fuel
COGAS coal-to-gas
cogeneration cogen
cogeneration plant CCPP Michae­lBurov
cogeneration plant CHP plant Michae­lBurov
cogeneration station <не рек.> CCPP Michae­lBurov
cogeneration station <не рек.> CHP plant Michae­lBurov
COHPAC compact hybrid particulate accumulation collector
COL construction and operating license