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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856208 entries)
BEM baggage express messenger Vosoni
CARBAGAIR baggage for air cargo
BIDS baggage information display system
BNS baggage not seen message
BPM baggage processed message
left luggage office baggage room Bobrov­ska
BM baggage-and-mail Vosoni
BHS baggage-handling system
BMIS baggage-management information system
BCLM baggage/cargo loading manual
BGD bagged
BSCF bagged sterile, clean and ready-to fill harser
B/S bags
bgs bags
BS bags
b.s. bags
BMD baguio mining district
The word is most associated with Ebenezer Scrooge, a character created by Charles Dickens. His famous reference to Christmas bah hum bag Kugelb­litz
BALS bahama islands
B.I. bahama islands