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Terms for subject School (564 entries)
pre prefect
priver private school
priv privilege
prop proposition
pun punishment
rep repetition
saccer sacrament
sanny sanatorium
sarc sarcasm
debag to pull down the trousers quickly without consent of a person, as a prank
de-pants to pull down the trousers quickly without consent of a person, as a prank
depants to pull down the trousers quickly without consent of a person, as a prank
dack to pull down the trousers quickly without consent of a person, as a prank
pants to pull down the trousers quickly without consent of a person, as a prank
keg to pull (someone’s) pants down or to forcibly remove (someone’s) pants
trans translation
t tuition
vocab. vocabulary
Western Regional Honors Council WRHC
zoo zoology