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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856004 entries)
ACLICS airborne communications, location, identification and collection system
AC airborne computer
ACCS airborne computing and communication system
ABCAPP airborne control approach
ACC airborne control computer
ACDTR airborne control data tape recorder
ACI airborne control intercept
ABCP airborne control post
ACS airborne control system
ACRWE airborne cosmic radiation warning equipment
ACEARTS airborne countermeasure environment and radar target simulator
ACEARTS airborne countermeasures environment and radar target
ACEARTS airborne countermeasures environment and radar target simulator
aerial vehicle airborne craft Michae­lBurov
airborne vehicle airborne craft Michae­lBurov
craft airborne craft Michae­lBurov
hull airborne craft Michae­lBurov
airplane airborne craft Michae­lBurov
aircraft airborne craft Michae­lBurov
ACT airborne crew trainer